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Matteo and Riccardo are a couple and they are about to celebrate their sixth month of relationship. The romantic time is interrupted by a tragic news: Matteo discovers he has become HIV positive. After that news everything changes: Matteo, oppressed and disoriented, closes in on himself, meanwhile Riccardo, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, refuses to know his serological status. Matteo’s uncle, Enzo, will help the couple to face their fears and they will help in turn Enzo to accept the ghosts of his past.


Roberto Cuzzillo, born in Turin in 1983, graduated in Psychosocial Disciplines. In 2005, he established the Enzimistudio production company and started to make movies. His first project has been the short film Lygofobia, shown at the Venice Film Festival. In 2008, he produced and directed his first feature film Neverending (Senza fine), shown at several international film festivals and distributed in Germany, France, The Netherlands and Spain. In 2011, he directed his second long feature film entitled Walking Towards (Camminando Verso), premiered in San Francisco at the Frameline Film Festival and distributed in Europe by Sundance Channel TV. His short film Polaroid, part of the long feature film Quintet, was awarded in New York at the Chelsea Film Festival. In 2014, he directed Don’t Accept Dreams from Strangers (Non accettare i sogni dagli sconosciuti), distributed in many territories, including North America, Uk and France. From 2022 he is a member of the European Film Academy.


  • Title
  • Rights
  • Country
  • Year
  • Length
    73′, col.

  • Director
    Roberto Cuzzillo
  • Screenplay
    Roberto Cuzzillo
  • Editing
    Roberto Cuzzillo
  • Photography
    Rober Montero Recio
  • Production Design
    Ezilda Medrano

  • Music
    Krzysztof A. Janczak
  • Sound
    Lena Morrero
  • Costume Design
    Gustavo Mancini
  • Cast
    Nuno Nolasco, Joele Anastasi,
    Stefano Saccotelli

  • Producers
    Roberto Cuzzillo,
    Roberto Ceschina
  • Production

  • Lovers Film Festival Turin 2024 – Out of Competition
  • Ipotesi d’Amore Bologna 2024

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