The Open Reel collaborates with La Selva Cine for a series of screenings to take place in some Medellin cine clubs during the month of June.

The films are: Brief Story from the Green Planet, The Cult, The Objects of Love, Stand and Quebranto.

Screenings in details:

The Cult
June 13  / Claustro Comfama / 6pm
June 26 / Comfama Bello/ 5pm
June 7 / Támesis / 6pm
June 12 / Comfama Bello / 5pm
Bref  Story from the Green Planet:
June 4 / Sonsón / 5pm
June 18/ Comfama Caldas / 6pm
The Objects of Love:
June 18 / Comfama Caldas / 6pm
June 20/ Comfama La Ceja / 6pm
June 18 / Sonsón / 5pm
June 21 / Támesis / 6pm